Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, speaks at a breakfast meeting with the theme "Dialogue: Technology & Innovation for a Sustainable Future" during the Boao Forum For Asia Annual Conference 2015 in Qionghai city, south Chinas Hainan province, 29 March 2015.

Robin Li, Chairman and CEO of Baidu, hosted a breakfast meeting with the theme of "Dialogue: Technology & Innovation for a Sustainable Future" during the 2015 Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) in Boao, south China's Hainan province, 29 March 2015. Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bill Gates and CEO of Tesla Motors Elon Musk attended the meeting. They discussed the significance of innovation for a sustainable future at the meeting. "Speaking of the risk of AI, I'm not saying it is beyond human imagination. For example, the arms, the release of energy is a very easy process, but it is difficult to control ... we should promote the safety of artificial intelligence, because it may be good, maybe bad and even bring disaster, so security is required and necessary," Musk said. Musk claims that he is not opposed to the development of AI. "I think we should be particularly careful; it may take more time to develop AI. Our direction is right, but we cannot rush, we'd better not enter into an unknown field," he added. Gates agreed with Musk. "Elon has invested in the development of AI, which is very good," he said. When answering a question about the future prospects of unmanned technology utilized in auto industry by Li, Musk said he believes that driverless cars need a big industrial base, which is required for the development of the automotive industry over a long period of time.

Bill Gates tritt vom Board of Directors zurück

Der zweitreichste Mann der Welt, Bill Gates, ist am Freitag von den Leitungsgremien von Microsoft und der Holding Berkshire Hathaway zurückgetreten. Der 64-Jährige und seine Frau Melinda wollen sich nun in ihrer Stiftung unter anderem der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels widmen.

„Ich habe die Entscheidung getroffen, um mehr Zeit meinen philanthropischen Prioritäten zu widmen, die globale Gesundheit und Entwicklung, Bildung und im verstärkten Maße die Bewältigung des Klimawandels umfassen,“ schrieb Gates auf LinkedIn. Er fügte an, dass der Rücktritt in keinem Fall eine Abkehr von Microsoft bedeute. Bill Gates gründete Microsoft 1975, war CEO der Firma bis 2000 und besitzt ein Prozent des Aktienbestandes der Firma. Er wird dem jetzigen Chef Satya Nadella weiterhin beratend zur Seite stehen. Die ‚Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation‘ ist die weltweit größte private Stiftung für wohltätige Zwecke. Bill Gates, dessen privates Vermögen auf 103,6 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt wird, spendete der Stiftung ein Aktienpaket in Höhe von 35,8 Milliarden Dollar.